- Early Bird Pricing will change to $479 9/24/2020
- Day 1: Participants will earn up to 7 hours contact Hours including 1 hour in Geriatrics, 2 in SAfe and Effective Pain Management related to Opioids, 1.5hrs Best Practices and Alternative Treatment Options, 2 hours in PMP Aware and 1/2 hours in Ethics and Jurisprudence (of which 4 hours are pharmacology hours)
- There will be an optional hosted speaker lunch.
- Each participant will receive a take home book of all Powerpoints used.
- CE Certificates will be given at the end of the day.
- A Morning snack will be served.
- Coffee and tea will be available in the conference room throughout the day.
- Day 2 8am-1:00 Cardiology Day: Includes EKG Review, CVA's Arrythymias, A-fib and Anticoags, and Hypertension Review with PEARLS. Receive up to 4.5 Contact hours includes 2.75 pharma hours.
- 1-1:15pm Evaluations
Saturday Oct 24-Sunday Oct 25 Earn 11.5 Contact Hrs Incl 6.7 Pharm Hrs!
Holiday Inn Midtown off I-35
6000 Middle Fiskville Rd, Austin, TX 78752
- Registration starts at 7:45am.
- Each participant will receive their CE certificate at the end of class.
- There will be water service in our conference room.
- Often the environmental temperatures are not under our control so please bring a jacket or sweater or dress in layers.
- If you do not receive a confirmation email, please reach out and contact us.
- Much of our presentation will be interactive. Look for our email the week before with instructions on how to download our interactive app to your phone.
Special Accommodations: Please notify us in advance if special accommodations are required.
Program Changes: Although we try really hard not to change things, we reserve the right to make necessary changes in speakers, topics or schedules in case of emergency. Our most current agenda will always be online.
Cancellation policy: We understand things happen and try to accommodate whenever possible. Cancellations received 30 days in advance of start dates will receive a full refund less a $50 administration charge. Cancellations less than 30 days in advance of conference will be given a Letter of Credit which will allow them to register for the SAME conference in the next 12 month period for a $50 administration fee, however we can not guarantee we will be presenting in the same location within the specified time period.